30 June, 2005

was it always like this????

Was I always this dense? It is though I am in a fog,It doesn't help that I am 6 months along with my second child, but really I am dazed. My husband is sure that "fog" and most of my other strange qualities are due to the medication I am taking and have been for 10 years, and not entirely willingly either! I am amazed that I am able to operate this keyboard. How I make it through my daZe I do not know......I used to know how to write and have things to write about, but I fear that the evil ZOLOFT has suck out all the creative juices that may have been flowing freely in my little brain.Maybe forever.

29 June, 2005

Just a little something that has been on my mind.....

For ten years I have been prescribed anti-depressants. I have tried numerous times to stop. No such luck All of it, the drug, The doctors that prescribe them over and over companies that hire the evil freaks who formulate and distribute them ......
Well, that's all my zoloft- saturated grey matter will allow for now, Must lie down.